What does mind and body really mean? The mind is comprised of three main parts which include thinking, feeling, and doing. Thinking takes place whenever we are absorbing information or simply making a difficult decision. It is important to think positively so that this can be projected to those around you, which can assist in creating a positive environment. I like to do my best thinking while hydrating myself with a nice hot cup of tea. My all time favorite Hatha Tea blend is our Citrus Muse Blend because I find it so invigorating, yet the peppermint gives it a refreshing feel. Whenever we put good things into our bodies, it promotes healthier thinking processes.
We all know that sometimes feelings can be deceiving, but this doesn't prevent us from having a conscious experience internally. Feeling good about yourself starts within. Every morning I feel wonderful and uplifted knowing that its a new day. Meanwhile, it is essential to begin your day on the right note. For me, this will include an energizing morning tea blend to pump me up for the day. This involves thinking which tea blend I will have out of the 12 signature flavors that we offer. Perhaps a caffeinated tea blend such as our Hatha House Blend? It feels absolutely amazing to know that your starting your day right by consuming something that is wholesome for you from the inside out.
Doing stems from what you think and how you feel. If you want to do your best, then it is wise to fill the body with wholesome goodness that will revitalize you. This acts almost as a recharge to rekindle what the mind and body needs. Of course, there are many different ways to incorporate mind and body boosting elements. In my own experiences I have found a bountiful harvest of well being from creating healthy tea blends, teaching yoga, and involving myself in anything that enhancing the community that I live in. Its all about taking good care of yourself so that you can take care of others in a way that will provide self satisfaction for you.